As well as choosing from one of our (awesome) backdrops, you can also supply your own!
Here are a few example galleries where we’ve come up with a design to suit a custom backdrop.
Showing 1-4 of 4 matches for Custom backdrop (backdrop).
21 Jun 2013 A selection of our favourite wedding photo strips and frames January through June 2013.
Tags: weddings, promo, props box
Rouge Lotus, White Island, Custom backdrop, Pineapple Punch, Emperor Red, Tiare Gold, Muri Blue, Aitutaki 243 photos
27 Nov 2012 A selection of photo strip and backdrop design ideas + some of our favourite strips from wedding parties that we’ve entertained.
Tags: weddings, props box, promo
Lime Fruit Salad, Gold Hibiscus, Moon River Blue, Emperor Red, Taro Silver, White Island, Muri Blue, Tiare Gold, Vlad, Custom backdrop, Aitutaki, Dots Up, FE 85 photos
9 Dec 2011 Mariana’s birthday was back in Sept, but she moved her 21st celebration to Dec to include all her family and friends. The theme was glow-in-the-dark, carried through to the custom booth photo backdrop. Meitaki to Mariana and Metua (event organiser par excellence), for making us feel like part of the family :).
Tags: 21st, birthdays, props box, day-glo, family reunions
Custom backdrop 192 photos
15 Oct 2011 A collision of styles: four decades of retro fashion, with our props thrown in for good measure.
Backdrop: ‘Flower Power’ (supplied by our host).
Tags: birthdays, props box
Custom backdrop 108 photos