Showing 1-9 of 9 matches for Pink Champagne (backdrop).
31 May 2014 As usual owsome boothers came to see us this morning. It’s still a bit slow at the markets, so we caught up on local and international affairs. Families, friends, future sporting stars, and some cute pepes in the mix this week.
Next week (7 June), we celebrate our 3rd Boothday – that means free fotos 8-10am.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 58 photos
21 Sep 2013 It was bright and blustery day at the market this morning. Plenty of our regular boothers came to see us: with new pepes, visiting family, and friends. We also helped a couple celebrate the ‘day after’ (their wedding), another couple commemorate their honeymoon, and provided market food suggestions to a new mum-to-be.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 100 photos
12 Jan 2013 Family groups fresh from reunions were down at the market today, collecting souvenirs, island crafts and gifts to take back to NZ and AU. We also welcomed back the Invisible family - booth-regulars since day one ;). Clear skies brought the heat on early, and our neighbouring steak roll and kebab stall holders did a roaring trade. Lemons and oranges are coming back into season, picked up some fresh pesto, but missed out on humus…
Just two more weeks at the market before we take a Summer break – so come see us soon.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 134 photos
30 Jul 2012 The first night of competition at the auditorium - with a few international cameos. First-up: an encore performance from visitors from Raetihi (NZ); and after intermission, the lovely ladies from the American Ragtime Dolls took to the stage. The girls from Tongareva also made the most of the booth in their stunning purple costumes.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Pink Champagne 153 photos
7 Jun 2012 With three years since the last pageant, and a line-up of awesome contestants, the auditorium was a-buzz for Miss Cook Islands 2012. Island Booth came to the party with a 2-hour booth providing a booth hire package prize for the Talent section.
In the booth we took photos for a host of future Miss CIs, families, and BFFs. A few tourists made it past our regulars - ‘happy birthday’ for next week to our visitor from London.
Congratulations to Teuira Napa for taking out the Talent section, and overall title of Miss Cook Islands 2012.
Tags: Miss Cook Islands, concerts, shows
Pink Champagne 174 photos
12 May 2012 (The day before) Mother’s Day at the market, and regulars made personalised cards for their mums. Meitaki to everyone hosting visitors to the island who came to the booth for a holiday snapshot. And although IB pix don’t meet passport requirements - for example we fall down when it comes to ‘having a plain background’, or ‘not smiling’ - for any other type of instant photo we’re happy to help you out. And so, today, we took one of the nicest visa application photos you’re ever likely to see :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets, Mother’s Day
Pink Champagne 87 photos
2 Mar 2012 Our first Friday night market, (in town, between Raro Records and the Empire Cinema, from 4pm-). Our main was the Teriyaki Chicken... Booth took some great candid pix as the sun set and as town got busier. Also happy birthday to Geena. :)
Tags: Empire Market, night market, markets
Pink Champagne 52 photos
26 Nov 2011 It was hot at the markets today. Our fans from the Creative Centre were put to good use cooling some large family groups while they waited for their pix. Look out for two new ei katu - sourced from our neighbouring stalls. Meitaki to the visitors to Rarotonga and returning Kukis who tracked us down after seeing us on Facebook :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 100 photos
12 Oct 2011 Exchange students, weddings groups, new pepe, engagement photos, fun family portraits, rugby fans... jerseys and beanies? We had them all in the booth this week. At the end of the night we also market-tested our new ‘Pink Champagne’ backdrop.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, markets
Tipani Pink, Pink Champagne 79 photos